Heavy Drinking And Early Deaths Rise Among
Elderly. Can Faith Help?
Alcohol has never been so refined, so glamorous and so popular in our
history. The crowned Champaigne even gets an ‘essential’ in Formula
One victory celebrations.
While parallel to global warming fresh ones show a rise and rise in price
tracing rise in Indian and Chinese affluence that even forms ‘Business is
booming’, parallel to old is gold, aging ones, unlike this laptop, trace the
price rise of antiques. However, parallel to one asserting ‘If alcohol was
found today it would have been a band drug’ the destruction it is
causing has no parallels.
Though Friday surprisingly brings alcohol loving ‘Christians’ and
avoiding Muslims into congregations, police, no wonder, zoom into the
former’s joy house alone. Forget hot blooded youngsters, almost
parallel to the post menopausal ones clogging STD clinics today, news
flash says even elderly are over drinking and dying early.
But then, why is this socially accepted drink that tastes so good, makes
one feel really good and even has become part of our celebrations so
harmful? The sad truth, however, is that it kisses the brain and bites the
liver. As a true depressant, it subdues the social inhibitory centre in the
brain. As if offering true freedom of speech suddenly an introvert can
easily say the most difficult words - ‘I love you’ to his beloved. Although
for the love mad world this sounds so good, the trouble lies right there,
for decision making gets seriously wrong, aggression climbs up and
‘Say no to more’ just disappears in the thin air. And then, almost
negating Shakespeare’s ‘It provokes the desire but takes away the
performance’, while it makes drunk women gravid by clever guys in the
West, it makes Middle East working mum’s sane daughters gravid by
drunk dads in Sri Lnka.
Even if sexual performance is less, violence isn’t. While police check
limits it outside home – pub violence, not limited, inside home ones
appears in statistics alone that sadly parallels stats of primitive society.
Although, more drink eases next morning’s hangover, nothing eases
death due to drink drive mismatch.
While this alone justifies ‘dangerous drug’, even if we forget the hot
blooded youth, increased early deaths of aimless cold blooded elderly –
if we can say so, bothers even the ones who say they are a burden.
But how are elderly dying early?
Not having a job to get engaged, no career to aim for, declining social
respect and rising fear of death homebound elderly are increasingly
finding joy in the mundane spirit. Although liver shows immortality
through its ability to regenerate killed cells, like the government, it needs
time to do so. Showing synergy, while its attack on the brain makes
them drink more, that and frequent drinking makes liver regenerate less.
And when the body turns yellow, even if not going up, it is time to leave
the world. And when that happens, death statistics climbs and makes
In this scenario, offering aim for the afterlife, does divine spirit (mind
engaged in God) lessen mundane spirit drinking of these aimless elderly?
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