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The Sudden US Withdrawal And The Taliban Win in Afghanistan: Was it a Planned Win For Pakistan And a Loss For The US?, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
The fact is, Islam isn’t about rights or to live blissfully in this world as the atheists do; it is about dutifully obeying the laws of Islam and even sacrificing one’s ways to the will of Allah to achieve a far blissful and everlasting afterlife in Jannah. Although not quite for women as most of them are said to be in hell, for men Jannah caters to every instinct that any man can have – that too in a heightened way. On the other hand, rejecting Allah makes one not only a hell-bound kuffar but an enemy of Allah by default. This is partly because that person blocks the plan of global Islam to which every inch of Islam is dedicated to. This is not so different from the fate of heathens under Christianity. Unlike the belief in Jesus in the latter, however, Shahada in Islam doesn’t guarantee heaven. It only makes one a member of Dar al- Islam from that of Dar al-Harb (house of war). In addition, not following the rules, still makes Muslims join kuffars in the everlasting hell. Thus opposing Sharia and in addition preferring the Western system especially in the clash, makes even a Muslim a candidate for the death penalty. No wonder, Swamy Vivekananda who enlightened the West about the universality of Hinduism once said a Hindu convert to Semitism doesn’t mean one less Hindu alone, it means one more enemy too. Although, one can question the use of a gun and not a sword that has made offering the death penalty so easy, the mike that was banned before and the taking of pictures that wrongfully mimics Allah’s sole right to create - if not adding to the sin of the making of an idol - the public punishment is just a routine Islamic practice that is done in Saudi Arabia and other places where Islamic sharia is the norm without any international outcry. The only difference is as expected in war situations, Taliban visuals show more. Yes, opposing female lives are usually saved but as attested even by an Arab female MP, it is sharia-compliant to make them right hand possessions. Yes, Islam asks both sexes to lower their gazes, but it understands the male compulsion more. Admittedly, it has not only glamorised the prophet’s sex power but has changed the existing adoption laws too. Besides, four marriage choices cant be complied with without a gaze from both. Yes, while the protection of mothers from tease during their toilet walk initiated the purdah, and since they weren’t outside working professionals, their protection from visiting followers brought it to the prophet’s house. While that by mothers of Muslims got copied by Muslimahs, prophet’s heavenly assurance to a distressful woman not removing it while meeting a battle dead son made it spiritual. As an addition to the male needs, while an okay to marriage with 1st cousins brought the purdah home for others, if not for consummation, an okay to age no bar for a marriage made little girls wear it too. Although they are the following of traditions, the prophet asked for gentleness in both male and female circumcision. Talak and wife subduing means are both male rights, as is the fulfilment of husband’s sexual urge. However, not being discussed in the faith texts, Hadith needing four witnesses to prove a woman cheating on her husband is erroneously used to prove rape on her in Pakistan’s Hudood law! Although globally frowned at the half inheritance rights for women, as a 'pocket money' with no husband like responsibilities, it could frankly be way too much!   As aired by 'There is no God but Allah', Islam loves the purity of Islam, Muslims and the sharia land that it rules. Thus, being a major Islamic sin and prophet clearing idols from Kaba except for a black stone to which hajjis kiss, while idol worship in the sharia area isn't ok, giving importance to idols like Bamiyan Buddhas isn't acceptable either. Also, if jizya tax is paid 'People of the Book' faiths can live under sharia. If it is Hanafi school sharia then even tax-paying Hindus can live. As opposed to the modern categorisation of the enemy into army and civilian, the fight here is between ‘their party’ and ‘our party’, in which age and gender, in addition, may not be a bar in the punishment of the former. Yes, this may bring unease to the 'unlettered' modernists but a cursory look at the faith texts and history can offer them knowledge.  Afghanistan’s Past: Although a landlocked country without many resources, Afghanistan’s location itself tempts many countries to the mountainous land. But then, those interested show their interest alone and not that of the unfortunate country. Almost like the saying ‘love kills time and time kills love’, with time even that interest just dwindles. With the Brits creating Pakistan (unlike what Indian intellectuals believe) and blocking its way to the Arabian sea, the Soviets who had the knowledge of Lenin’s communism rather than Islam - let alone the Afghan ways - saw Afghanistan as the second choice. Having wiped out the opposition at home, although they easily let their tanks descend on the peaceful land, they possibly saw opposition in action for the first time among the fighting Afghans. Being equally unaware of Islam and the real Afghans but more aware of capital and the cold war, the capitalists did not want to give the Soviets even the 2nd route to the sea. So supporting the Taliban and skyrocketing their prestige as never before as friends of the West, they descended with full force on the beautiful yet troubled land. Although Hillary’s words came as advice to Pakistan much later, it was applicable to her own country much earlier. True to her advice ‘don’t nurse a snake in your backyard, it will bite you’, once the Russians fled, the Taliban turned their guns towards the capitalists. With the world media on the West’s side, Taliban prestige saw a bear market and they now became the baddies.
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