A Modi victory would bode ill for India, say Rushdie, Kapoor,
Khan, Bhabha et al. in The Guardian - A Rebuttal 1
Far from just corruption issue, a Congress victory in this election has a major implication to
India and the world. Unlike a BJP's win that could deal with the corrupt - including bringing
home cash stacked in foreign banks, a Congress's win makes the BJP a 'never winning
party' and the Congress 'invincible'- even if corrupt. Beyond this converting this country into a
de facto one party state, added dynasty almost makes it monarchical. Furthermore, with the
corrupt being unpunished and thus becoming untouchable, it would only mean skyrocketing
of corruption and India’s poverty. The future of democratic India would thus be bleak, and
future of the UN and the West will see resources drained into feeding of Indians.
More Mistakes
Sadly their mistakes do not end there. They continue.
Although, dutiful orchestration by the Indian media made their message
penetrate the educated, the wrong timing (in the eve of election) has given
little chance for the rest to reflect and vote accordingly. It thus has only
made international headlines for the signatories.n addition, almost like an
unplanned 'We want to get rid of the king' revolution inviting a
counterrevolution, their 'no to Modi’ does not include yes to someone else. With post victory
BJP leader other than Modi not being practical (chaos by the cheated) as asserted in the
rebuttal to The Economist, and the 3rd front not yet born, both by stronger logic than their
assertion and by default a support for Rahul Gandh as PM is clear. Unmentioned support for
Rahul thus gets mentioned and analysed below.
With both western and Indian analyst predicting a victory for Modi, this default support for a
losing candidate Rahul, can’t be said to be prudent. More than not tracing the wise aphorism
'If you can't beat them join them' or the USA's recent u-turn, it also fails to see the much
larger implication of the assertion (not the act)
The Enigma
Although sales do affect media, not seeing discernible cash, what made them do so is an
With the fear of Modi to India, thus not supported by logics and appearing scaremongering,
and fear of Him being the 'Indian Putin' to the West being supported by more logics, their
attempt could be explained by 'They do not know what they are doing' or a Lenin's 'useful
idiots' or something else.
These thinkers will very soon be proved wrong. Thinkers of that calibre being proven wrong
will indeed be sad.
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