Mumbai And Delhi Terrorist Attacks: Will India Shining
Vanish And Indians Share Pakistani Life?
Although strikes by terrorists shifted from the commercial capital, Mumbai,
to the state capital, Delhi, in their latest success story, many facts remained
strikingly the same. Elusiveness of the plan, death of ordinary innocents,
chaotic hospital visits by healthy politicians, condemnation of terrorism and
the appeals for calmness… they all remained the same. Matching that and
planning secrecy, terrorists remained as elusive as Harrison Ford in ‘The
Fugitive.’ As gleefully desired by the political class denizens repeated the
mantra ‘We must remain united,' and tracing ‘We won’t bow down to
terrorism’ even reinvented routine life the next day.
The only fact that unknowingly changed was this: from a national tragedy,
an act of city terrorism inched us towards a law and order problem.
Matching extremism, while a terrorist act just needs a bag, chemicals,
trigger and an innocent crowd at one extreme, it needs a colossal measure
of intension, ideas, cash, trained staff and technology for its prevention on
the other. Unlike the USA, which woke up after 9/11 and prevented further
attacks, controlling terrorism hasn’t been as easy for India as getting
cinematic or constitutional plots from the West. India, for that matter, lacks
most of the needed motivation. With ordinary folks - not ones with Z
security- seeing death, communal killing lessening ‘We will stand united’
and producing less vocal office going denizens - as if invoking ‘nothing has
happened,' an election not yet there and corruption ranking higher in scale,
less intense attention gets less priority. No wonder that India found its
politicians engaged in a meeting to assess the recommendations following
earlier attacks at the time of the next.
Although not quite lacking in cash, having less in priority resources doesn't
come easily. Even when available, unlike futuristic vision of the terrorists,
incidents, not visions, seem to bring ideas. As an example, when a state’s
Chief Minister was unable to contact his police chief for 15 minutes after an
attack, the need for a hot phone line was thought essential. While trained
staff are few and ill equipped, timing of their presence is after, not before,
attacks. Almost matching it and teasing the state with ‘Catch me if you can’,
emails claiming responsibilities flood after the incident. Before it, even
single source spy clues are hard and threat levels remains unknown, if not
closer to zero. But then again, the advice to be alert is constant and all
time. Even when decisions are made, lacking a central command and
control system, as its home minister later lamented, responsible
departments show implementation unease.
Although members of its well protected political class are still secure, they
have to realize the facts said above. There has to be seriousness in
intension, allocation of adequate budgets, formation of a centralized
command and control unit, training of a large number of field officers, and
use of the latest technologies to make cities like ancient castles. Equally,
India has to produce ideas. For this, experts should be hired from the
developed countries and terrorism conferences done routinely for inventory
ideas. Technology, not men, should man its porous borders.
Although, if Maoist affected villages and the less reported ‘North East’ are
taken into account, India is already plagued. If terrorism is not controlled
effectively, its cities are going to follow suit. If India does not invest enough
cash to protect itself and this happens, foreigners will not invest cash in
India. In addition to serially losing precious lives, as in Pakistan, attacks will
seriously affect ‘India shining.'
If the ‘Guys next door are hell bent on destroying India’ is given credence
and that making 70% of Punjab adults drug addicts is accepted as gospel
truth, Delhi isn’t far from the end. India’s future increasingly looks gloomy
either way. However, she cannot afford to be in a state as USA was before
9/11. Not sure if India needs help but because India has much to offer, the
world needs India.
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