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7 Movies That Put Insane Work Into Details You Didn't Notice
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Women’s Power Book
Women’s Power Book
Women’s Power Book
Women’s Power Book
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QUESTION * Why are there so many articles on different subjects?
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Easter eggs are usually kind of a bum deal. Sure, when you finally find one it's like having a secret conversation with your favorite director ... but he's kind of a jerk, the conversation is one-sided and it's usually all about how much of a loser you are for spending a hundred hours sifting through the special features on your Firefly DVD just to find something Joss Whedon slapped together in five minutes. What follows are the direct opposite of that: These are seven instances where the creators poured their blood, sweat and several other more unsavory fluids into creating something and put it right in front of your face ... and you didn't even notice. Now who's the jerk, huh? Note: In a time of bad movies birthed by a sick congress of stupidity and laziness, it's easy to forget that film can be great, can be chock-full of secrets, and can truly mean something to us. Like, in our hearts. So while you're waiting for the next great movie, we hope you'll use this Cracked Classic to remind yourself that good movies are even possible -- all it takes is for the creator to be completely out of their minds. -Cracked #7. Se7en
When making Se7en, David Fincher knew that the movie's strength relied on "John Doe" being as deeply unsettling as possible. He couldn't just be a character (since he doesn't even appear on screen until the final minutes); he had to be a presence that was felt not only in the pertinent dialogue during his screen time, but also in the very air itself.
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