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The Anatomy of The West Bengal Elections And The Violence: How Responsible Are The BJP Leaders?, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
On a remote scale, even if there were some constraints in taking drastic measures (help during tragedies relies on no constraint), what about words? Is there something called humanity? On the contrary, almost like 8 blind men reaching their own conclusions about what an elephant is like, by grabbing one expect of the whole they congratulated the CM. Yes, news of the PM expressing his grief, not power, to the Bengal governor came. Like a dutiful boy, the stooping man almost breaching the coronavirus distancing protocol advised the CM, whom he called his sister - a very grown-up and well-planning sister at that! Well, as if it was a culture, not only the BJP, Indian media itself has failed the country too. In this, while the governor lambasting the reporters amounted to something is better than nothing, the PM showing sorrow for a leader who died of Covid19 alone amounted to just nothing - on relatives terms of course. In any case, it is not that the BJP hasn’t acted against the violence. Of course, it has. But then, when acts of the senior BJP leaders, despite being in power and not in the opposition, matches that of Rahul Gandhi it only invokes laughter even in this sad period. The Dharna that its party chief has done has more wrongs than rights. For a start, dharna is for the powerless opposition, not for one enjoying state power, it isn't effective when the culture is of violence and it is certainly not done inside an air-conditioned house - when the stage outside is broken by that culture. Consequences for the BJP: This behaviour of the BJP's central leaders’ has not gone well with the victims, the junior party members, the neural intellectuals and the general public. Since this party believes in the afterlife, let alone the sin of not doing Raj Dharma, the sin of increasing the vulnerability of trusting people without a foresight, that of not offering any defence to them when in trouble and the curses accrued from the victims in distress can form bad karma for the next life - if not in this one. Even if there is no God, the lessening of trust with the BJP leadership, even in the hearts of the BJP members could bring an unease in the party like in the Congress. When heroes no longer look like heroes the party can remain lucky only till the next party comes up with similar goals. Yes, the disregarded Bengal victims are unlucky, but since using the constitution’s 355 is a duty and not a privilege, not doing accordingly could bring in legal bad luck for the party's mighty – even if there is no God that is. If the BJP doesn’t wake up, this fear trick logically demands that she be declared a queen. This is because almost like a formula it will not only work in the next election it will work beyond that too. If that happens, India will still remain the largest democracy through the population boom, but the prestige of that democracy will not be the same.
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