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The Anatomy of The West Bengal Elections And The Violence: How Responsible Are The BJP Leaders?, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
From the above, it is clear that Mamata did not command so much respect as a leader, did not invoke a sympathy wave for her leg injury, did not earn respect for doing any developmental activities, did not make many women safe and happy, and did not offer a respectable character. Yes, an average Bengali had nothing to expect from her apart from the status quo – full of issues. Almost validating the above and losing confidence in Mamata TMC stalwarts left the party and joined the BJP in droves. And Mamata was seen frantically asking the leavers to come back. Therefore, during the election time, it was natural to artificially extend the fear so that the precious votes landed in her coffers. Yes, sleeping with the enemy brought in the beatings. If life exited the body, then so be it. Even during milder times when the party feared people could vote for the enemy, they would only let them go when the central forces appeared. And when push came to shove and the central forces killed a few of her cadres for trying to snatch the deadly guys’ arms, she would not mind making a political masala out of the shot and killed bodies. The BJP camp: It is not that the BJP sprang up all of a sudden and landed in West Bengal as an outsider just before the elections. Far from displaying an outsider tag, it utilized its local members and resources for more than 5 years to penetrate every village of the state. On the ground, the situation was such that every reporter said that the locals were reluctant to speak. Only a few people came forwards to express their love for the BJP, as a danger to families was high. However, unlike the TMC it had almost every ingredient for winning. While it already had the Bengalese enjoying the centre’s gifts to the nation - which was modified by the TMC to suit themselves -it had the futuristic vision of Modi. To do the topping up, it had Yogi not only developing the state and enhancing the rotten security it had the equidistribution of goodies without Jijya despite being called anti-Muslim. It even brought in a poor labourer’s wife as ‘dharti ki beti’ who also was a ‘Bengal ki beti’ that was asserted for the rich Mamata. Yes, the play of religion was open and prominent. While the PM’s Bangladesh move was strategic and respectable, her anti-Lord Ram stance only led her to pray to both the Goddess and Allah. Suddenly religion openly and prominently entered the fray as in no other state and the BJP feasted on its genes – ‘Jai Shree Ram’- to unite the Hindus and to embarrass her. Yes, Muslims were still united in a vote bank but not all was bad. Despite being projected as anti-Muslim, many enlightened Muslims who refused to be just 'vote bank' lambs supported the BJP. Some even wanted Yogi as Bengal's CM! As the gatherings grew, BJP’s confidence grew too. Voters confidence merged with it. Those who were reportedly afraid and silent and therefore difficult to interview earlier did become hesitant at first and then vocal later. Yes, the fearful people were given not only hope but courage to come out by the BJP. Gaining confidence even of a victory, they assured both the workers and the voting folks about what will happen after the results. Their’ support for the BJP became vociferous and criticism of TMC increased. This was not just favouring one party over the other, it was an expression of anger against one party. A revolution was beginning! Gatherings became larger and voices became louder. People were not only expressing but were coming out in droves with full support to make the BJP rallies larger than that of the TMC. The BJP wasn’t overconfident of victory but confident enough to use its resources cautiously till the end. Conversely, not being confident, Mamata had to play tricks with people like creating the accident, dividing them into religious lines, use religious symbolism, blatantly ask for a vote on communal lines, aiming to use corpse and airing Don Quixotic bitchings over everything under the sun that she saw as a threat. Losing stalwarts would have been demoralizing. The scenario was such that the victory was not only indicated by the largeness of the gatherings, BJP’s and its voters’ confidence and Mamata’s frantic calls even the TMC’s strategist said Modi was more popular and narrated which groups will vote for the BJP. But the result turned every expectation upside down. So the BJP’s confidence was wrong, its supporters freely coming out and revolting against Mamata was wrong, Mamata’s irritations were wrong and her strategist's changed assertions were wrong. The ground level exit polls were wrong too. The only thing that was right was not even the TMC’s simple majority, but a shocking landslide victory! Why did the BJP not win the election? Yes, the turnout showed the opposite figure than what a disinterested community once showed to a baffled Benazir Bhutto. Also, yes enthusiasm usually brings in that number and a fear of going out pulls it down. But then, the continuation of poverty, unemployment etc. as a pro-incumbency factor doesn’t enthuse anybody, a change to something different as anti-incumbency does. Verily, Bengali culture itself wouldn’t accept prolonged oppression. Far from taking it, Bengal did even earn ‘What Bengal thinks today rest of India thinks tomorrow’ in the fight against British oppression. And, even after it was reduced to a dust bin case by the brainless communists, the culture accepted Mamata for a change. There is no reason to believe, why that culture would not accept a change now. Irrespective of the culture Bengalese aren’t fools, a bunch of masochists or ones suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Also, irrespective of being Bengali, the essence of democracy itself is change. Indeed, irrespective of anything, the culture of silence itself is an ingredient of a revolution. Yes, who doesn’t want a change from poverty, unemployment, displacement due to immigrants, rape epidemic, beatings and shifting domicile to another state for employment? But then, if it was for a change the results deny a vote for a change. Unlike the fear of going out, if staying at home gave the fear of staying away from voting the TMC then that fear would push one to the polling booth. This fear might have taken them there but as the result suggests it, did not make them use the power of the secret ballot. But why? The simple answer is, in this digital age there is nothing called a secret ballot. Thus the bigger player was the fear of, ‘After the ballot, the outsiders will go away but we will be here’. Yes, people feared that if they didn't vote and vote for the TMC then they would be in trouble. The trouble that we are all seeing now. Even if all the above cannot explain the unexpected results, counting issues possibly can. A defeated Adhikari only won against Mamata in Nandigram, when he insisted on a recount as votes were ‘hidden’. Interestingly, similar recounts did give victory to several others! The post-verdict violence and insecurity: An organized party system – a product of modern civilization - is there to give a fearless power to the citizens to chose their leader, who would rule and develop the unit entity.
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