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PM Modi Calls And Indians Unitedly Create The Biggest Cacophony And The Biggest Silence in History
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Raise the vol to listen to the lady airing awe @ the SINGLE author ncyclopedia
Modi calls and Indians unitedly create the biggest cacophony and the biggest silence in history Some scientists believe that we have wiped out the Neanderthals in the survival of the fittest battle. Having greatly diminished the world's animals, forests and it's resources its clear that we are instinctively selfish and bad. Ideologies like communism and faiths that even make us kill our loved ones for thinking wrong may not really help us, but we are restrained and made civilized by the five fears viz. Death, family, society, law and, of course, God. With the God factor merging with the goddamn factor and creating the 'god particle', the rising fear of death seems to lack a matching competitor. Yes fear rules today's world of ours. In that 'making us civilized' group, yes the fear of the Atom Bomb has banned a WWIII for the trigger happy testosterone laden guys, and global warming is thankfully becoming painful even to the most corrupt of politicians. Its clear from the above that apart from civilizing us, almost like the communist slogan, 'workers of the world unite', fear seems to somehow, unite us homo sapience. And Pakistani leaders seem to have taken that into their hearts, when they created hatred towards India in their texts to unite the artificial creation. Although, we have seen China and Russia trying to help corona virus afflicted Italy, there is more of a fear of individual country rather than a enemy bracing united global fear. The 'us' seems to come only with the us vs them type films like ET, Star Wars etc. Almost as an emerging future global leader, India seems to add its spices to produce that united fear in the 'united federal states of India' at least, when its PM, Modi, called Indians of all creeds to observe a self imposed curfew (Janata Curfew) from 7AM to 9PM on Sunday 22/03/2020, and then to thank all people, who are working tirelessly to save/serve people - by clapping or making sounds. Done by taking into account the perception of fear among his people, the needs to restrict the spread of the virus, the weekend timing and his popularity among the masses even the opposition could not refuse his call. Almost like Gita's advice of when leaders act general people follow, great leaders have influenced people according to their greatness. Although, extreme force and killing actually converted Europe to Christianity and not the conversion of Constantine alone, Churchill's words were avidly followed by his countrymen during the WWII in UK. Similarly Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy and Nelson Mandela had great influence on their peoples. Yes, Modi surprised hosts in the UK and in USA by holding the largest gatherings of supporters in their countries, which they possibly couldn't do themselves. But, what Modi has done in India this weekend is unparalleled in the history of mankind itself. This level of adherence to a suggestion has not been seen under the leadership of all the stalwarts mentioned above. More importantly, India has several factors that makes the Indian experience special. Firstly Modi is hated by the Indian opposition and Western Press including CNN and BBC. For example, despite the recent Delhi riots seeing the deaths of almost equal numbers of Hindus and Muslims, in its 'Muslim interviewing a Muslim about Muslims' episode, the broadcaster CNN used its popularity to send completely false news of there being a genocide of Muslims to its large group of gullible audience. If there is any consolation with intent, it is the opposition parties in India that routinely aim for the man's jugular, instead. Secondly, India has millions of daily wage earning workers, whose sacrifice is much greater than that of the higher classes. Thirdly, it may not be the Sunni leader Saudi Arabia or the Shia leader Iran, but it harbors the second largest Muslim population, after Indonesia! And most of them seem to misunderstand the CAA despite it being good for them. Despite all that what India showed this weakened was not thought of even by the Indians. But then, no India did not go silent, as reported. That is completely a false news - like that of the CNN. If there was a silence and indeed there was, it was only limited to the homo sapience. Yes roads had a completely deserted look all over India. But, today it was the turn of the birds to have their unheard free speech heard. Yes India was filled with the cacophony of the birds that people heard for the first time in their lives. That cheered up a lot of Indians and possibly the surprised birds too!
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