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Why Amit Shah/Modi/BJP’s Citizenship Amendment Act on Religious Lines is Right And USCIRF’s View Wrong
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Raise the vol to listen to the lady airing awe @ the SINGLE author ncyclopedia
Indian Home Minister passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill through both houses of parliament and made it a CAA. This made it easier for the persecuted religious minorities from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan to get Indian citizenship. Although nowhere near the burnings during the violent vivisection of their country, with the state calling its army in Guwahati, India’s North East was seen burning, when parliamentarians in Delhi were debating. Suddenly, while almost by magic few university students started a violent agitation in the land of Gandhi; as if ‘workers of the world unite’ was at work even some far away American universities showered Twitter support. With such unison for Muslims thus displayed, even Islamophobes looked confused. Strangely, however, going deeper, the inciting cause seems to be none other than compassion – or more precisely compassion gone wrong. Yes, Egypt and Iran were made Islamic countries few years after their conquest; yet baffling Islamists India has remained a Hindu majority country. The country, however, had to pay a heavy price for it. It suffered the worst genocide of Hindus, rapes of their women and destructions of many temples - of which one has only recently been regained using law. Having gone through the convulsions of religious killings during the disorganized and hurried partition of the motherland into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan by the then Congress leaders, Indians are wary of religious tensions. Although still in overall majority, with the aggressive fraudulent Christian missionary conversions showing a steep rise of Christians and even making the rest a minority in its NE, and population boom and conversion aiding the rise of Muslims in India, Hindus fear of being a minority in their own land in the coming times. n addition, the country not only suffered an unhindered economic migration from Bangladesh that caused agitations in its state of Assam, it noticed that some state governments themselves were aiding migration for vote bank politics. Thus, they feel that if it is allowed unchecked, while not only ‘India is secular because of Hinduism’ will not remain, almost following the principle ‘In polytheism gods clash men don’t; in monotheism men clash God doesn’t’ the two aggressive monotheistic creeds may not spare one another — like in Nigeria — in this highly religious country. With the first vivisection being brought about by, ‘we cannot live with the Hindus’, Indians fear a 2nd vivisection on similar lines. Before that their fear of a clash for resources or an intra-faith sectarian clash through transfer of Pakistani emotions is not without substance. With their fear of becoming minority in their own land being reinforced by the site of their coreligionists leaving such areas, Hindus worry that they don’t have any other country to go to when needed. With them unable to do what China does to control its population, and their country rapidly closing the population gap with China, Indians are more worried about imbibing large group of additional people. Those fears aside; almost like Jesus’flesh for Christians in Eucharist, as brethren Hindus have their‘flesh’ in those countries as minorities. Although not quite like the earlier genocides, exploitation of minorities in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been inhuman. They include gang rapes especially of Hindu girls, forceful conversions; demolition of places of worship, non-use of them used utensils, false accusation of blasphemy, selling of Christian girls to the Chinese as slaves & humiliation. Surprisingly, however, far from being an act of criminals, while a fear of Mullah’s fatwa silences the concerned police or good men on the rape and forceful conversions of girls to Islam, government agencies themselves are seen demolishing temples and churches. Let alone the ordinary folks; despite being Western educated and the highest justice giver of the land, the Chief Justice in Pakistan traces Islam rather than modern human rights and denies a forcefully converted Hindu girl the basic right to reconvert back to her faith! This plight is felt by all religious minorities in those countries and is disconcerting to the whole of humanity. Unlike prosperity of Indian Muslims even as minorities, life being intolerable and having gross reduction in their supporting community numbers, many of them have taken huge risks and migrated to India with the saying ‘never want to go back.’ The pain is clearly disheartening but while the deafening silence of the local and the global media made them voiceless and their prolonged suffering is still going on, the promise of the then Congress Party leaders like Gandhi, Nehru and M Singh had to wait for the BJP to finally make those promises true. And yet disrespecting their own leaders, Congress Party criticizes the CAA!! The joyful street dances of the pleased persecuted people, however, actually give pleasure to all. Although the government is told to trace its secularism, India attempts to treat all citizens well not through secularism, as is said, but through pluralism, which is the ethos of the vivisected India. In fact, the word secularism that got added to the constitution through trickery during the dark days of its emergency actually favors atheists, which in turn is not what the constitution asks for. For the aware, it is haram in Islam too, as godlessness always is. Even then, if ‘India is secular because of Hinduism’ is taken as a view, the CAA will save; not destroy India - as is said. If on the other hand, Muslim majority is given a free way, the Christians, who criticize the CAA, despite it giving a new lease of life to their persecuted brethren fleeing Pakistan today, may themselves become uncomfortable in the future. Despite Assam clearly airing the feared scenario, which incidentally can be solved by cash infusion and burden dilution, opposing students still don’t seem to get the lesson.
Everyday realities for Pakistani Hindus, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-2949090015312524, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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